There are a number of facial rejuvenation procedures available to us today, from the non-invasive to the minimally invasive to surgical treatments. Both men and women of various ages are taking advantage of the improvements in technology and skill available for rejuvenating our appearances in every stage of life. The facelift procedure is a tried and true procedure, a staple of cosmetic surgery, and one of the more invasive methods of facial rejuvenation, yet one that may be the best option for those with more advanced signs of aging that cannot be improved through less invasive methods. Jowls, fallen fat, loose skin, excess fat, deep lines and folds are all examples of common issues we see in facelift patient who are looking to lift their facial appearance into a more youthful and less worn-out look.

If you are tired of feeling like you look tired or older than you want to project, and are interested in learning more about the facelift procedure and recovery process, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation today.

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